One of our favorite things to do in any new country is to visit a local market. Paloquemao, a gigantic, pungent, colorful, bountiful market in the middle of Bogota, did not disappoint. There were pyramids of fruit, flowers, herbs, teas, dry goods, eggs, meats, supplements, home goods, and everything you could need. No price tags, no shopping carts, just bartering for what you could carry out in your hands. It was magnificent.
Potatoes and root vegetables in the Andes are incredibly varied. In the US, we see maybe 6 varieties of potatoes on a regular basis. There, there are literally 4,000 different varieties. I couldn’t tell you what kind these are, but they’re sure colorful.
Purple garlic, (for mom), and stubby carrots.
Unexpected find… in case you’re wondering, this does not have a smell.
Pretty flowers (for Joanna).
A type of guanabana or soursop! I love this fruit and it is so difficult to get it in the US.